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HomeHustleFreelance Writing or Blogging: A Comparison for Side Hustle

Freelance Writing or Blogging: A Comparison for Side Hustle

Freelance Writing or Blogging: A Comparison for Side Hustle

As a skilled content creator with expertise in engaging blog posts, I understand the appeal of freelance writing and blogging as side hustles. Both options offer the opportunity to earn extra income from the comfort of your own home. Freelance writing involves providing writing services to clients, while blogging allows you to publish your own content on a variety of topics.

Freelance writers have the flexibility to specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of services. They get paid per project and can take on different clients and projects. On the other hand, bloggers can monetize their websites through advertising, affiliate marketing, and other strategies. They typically focus on one specific topic and have control over the content they publish.

The choice between freelance writing and blogging depends on personal preferences and goals. Freelance writing offers the freedom to work on different projects and explore various types of writing, while blogging allows for self-expression and the opportunity to build a dedicated audience. Ultimately, it’s important to have a clear plan and be strategic in your choices if you decide to pursue both options.

Key Takeaways

  • Freelance writing and blogging are both viable ways to earn extra income from home.
  • Freelance writing involves writing for clients, while blogging involves publishing content on a website.
  • The choice between freelance writing and blogging depends on personal preferences, goals, and desired income potential.
  • Both options offer flexibility, control over content, and the opportunity for self-sufficiency.
  • It is possible to be both a blogger and a freelance writer, but strategic planning is important.

Introduction to Freelance Writing and Blogging

Freelance writing and blogging have become popular ways for individuals to earn extra income from the comfort of their own homes. Both options offer flexibility, the potential for income growth, and the freedom to work on your own terms. However, it’s important to understand the differences between freelance writing and blogging before deciding which path to pursue.

Definition and Overview

Freelance writing involves writing various types of content, such as articles, press releases, reports, and blog posts, for clients. Freelance writers can choose to specialize in a particular subject area or offer a range of writing services. They work as independent contractors and get paid per project.

On the other hand, blogging entails creating and publishing content on a website, typically focusing on a specific topic. Bloggers can either write for their own blog or contribute to someone else’s. They have the opportunity to monetize their blogs through advertising, sponsored posts, selling products and services, and affiliate sales.

Types of Writing and Blogging

Freelance writers can specialize in different types of writing, depending on their skills and interests. Some common types of freelance writing include content writing, copywriting, technical writing, and ghostwriting. Each of these areas requires specific knowledge and expertise.

Bloggers, on the other hand, usually focus on a specific niche or topic. They create content that appeals to their target audience and builds a loyal readership. Some popular blog niches include fashion, travel, food, personal finance, and health and wellness.

Pros of Freelance Writing and Blogging

Both freelance writing and blogging offer numerous advantages for those looking to work from home and be their own boss. Some of the pros include:

  1. Flexibility: Freelance writers and bloggers have the freedom to work whenever and wherever they choose. They can set their own schedules and work at their own pace.
  2. Income Potential: Both freelance writing and blogging have the potential to generate a significant income. As freelance writers gain experience and expand their client base, they can command higher rates. Bloggers can also increase their income through various monetization strategies.
  3. Control over Content: Freelance writers and bloggers have the creative freedom to choose the topics they write about and the style in which they write. They can express their own opinions and showcase their unique writing voice.
  4. Freedom and Self-Sufficiency: Freelance writers and bloggers have the autonomy to work independently and be self-sufficient. They can take on projects or write blog posts that align with their interests and values.

Choosing Between Freelance Writing and Blogging

The decision between freelance writing and blogging ultimately depends on personal preferences and goals. Freelance writing may be a better fit for those who enjoy working on a variety of projects and writing for different clients. Blogging, on the other hand, may be more appealing to individuals who want to focus on a specific niche and build their own personal brand.

It is also worth noting that it is possible to be both a blogger and a freelance writer. Many individuals choose to pursue both avenues to diversify their income streams. However, it’s essential to have a clear plan and be strategic in balancing the demands of both roles.

In conclusion, freelance writing and blogging offer exciting opportunities for individuals looking to earn income from home. Whether you choose to be a freelance writer, a blogger, or both, it’s important to carefully consider your interests, goals, and long-term sustainability. By leveraging your writing skills and passion, you can create a successful career in the world of online content creation.

Source: Reddit – Should I Start Blogging or Freelance Writing?

Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing and Blogging

Freelance writing and blogging are two popular ways to earn extra income from the comfort of your own home. Both options offer flexibility, the opportunity to work independently, and the potential to generate a steady income. However, each has its own set of pros and cons that should be considered before making a decision.

Flexibility and Freedom

One of the major advantages of freelance writing and blogging is the flexibility they offer. As a freelancer or blogger, you have the freedom to choose when and where you work. You can set your own schedule, allowing you to juggle other commitments such as a full-time job or family responsibilities. This flexibility can be especially beneficial for individuals who prefer a non-traditional work arrangement.

Income Potential

Another aspect to consider is the income potential of freelance writing and blogging. Freelance writers are typically paid per project, while bloggers have the opportunity to monetize their websites through various means such as advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts. Both options have the potential to generate a significant income, but the amount can vary depending on factors such as the writer’s experience, niche expertise, and marketing efforts.

Content Control

One of the perks of being a freelance writer or blogger is the ability to have control over the content you create. As a freelancer, you can choose the topics you write about and the clients you work with. Similarly, bloggers have the freedom to publish content on a wide range of subjects that align with their interests and expertise. This level of control allows writers and bloggers to showcase their unique voice and style, creating content that resonates with their audience.


Both freelance writing and blogging require a certain level of self-sufficiency. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for finding your own clients or building an audience for your blog. This can be both rewarding and challenging. While it provides the freedom to choose the type of work or content you produce, it also requires proactive efforts to market yourself and secure projects or readership.

Finding Work and Equipment

Finding work and acquiring the necessary equipment are two important considerations for freelance writers and bloggers. Freelance writers often have to actively seek out clients, either through networking, online platforms, or by pitching their services. On the other hand, bloggers need to build an audience by promoting their content and engaging with readers. In terms of equipment, freelance writers typically need a computer, internet access, and word processing software, while bloggers may require additional tools such as a website or blogging platform.

In conclusion, both freelance writing and blogging offer unique opportunities for individuals looking to earn income from their writing skills. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences, goals, and the level of commitment one can dedicate to each option. Some individuals may find that they are better suited for freelance writing, while others may thrive in the world of blogging. Ultimately, it is important to have a clear plan and be strategic in your choices, whether you decide to pursue freelance writing, blogging, or even both.

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Difference between Freelance Writing and Blogging

Nature of Work

Freelance writing and blogging are two popular avenues for individuals to earn extra income from the comfort of their homes. However, they differ in terms of the nature of work involved.

Freelance Writing: Freelance writing entails creating various types of content such as articles, press releases, reports, and blogs for clients. Freelance writers can choose to specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of writing services to cater to different clients’ needs. They work on a per-project basis and are typically paid a predetermined fee for their work.

Blogging: On the other hand, blogging involves publishing content on a personal or professional website. Bloggers have the freedom to write about various topics of their interest, and they often focus on a specific niche. Unlike freelance writers, bloggers generate income through different avenues such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling products or services.

Income Generation Methods

The income generation methods for freelance writing and blogging differ significantly.

Freelance Writing: Freelance writers primarily rely on client projects to generate income. They negotiate fees with clients for each individual project they undertake. This allows freelance writers to have more control over their income potential as they can set their rates based on their expertise and the value they provide to clients. Additionally, freelance writers can take on multiple projects simultaneously to increase their earning potential.

Blogging: Bloggers, on the other hand, have the opportunity to monetize their websites through various income streams. These include displaying advertisements on their site, participating in affiliate marketing programs, selling their own products or services, and even accepting sponsored posts from brands. Bloggers have the potential to earn passive income as their content continues to attract readers and generate traffic to their site.

Specialization and Topic Focus

Another distinction between freelance writing and blogging lies in the specialization and topic focus.

Freelance Writing: Freelance writers have the flexibility to specialize in specific types of writing, such as technical writing, copywriting, or creative writing. They can leverage their expertise in a particular subject to attract clients who require specialized content. However, freelance writers can also choose to offer a broader range of writing services to cater to a wider client base.

Blogging: Bloggers typically focus on a specific topic or niche, allowing them to establish themselves as experts in that particular area. This specialization helps bloggers attract a dedicated audience who are interested in the specific content they provide. By consistently publishing quality content related to their niche, bloggers can build a loyal following and establish themselves as authorities in their chosen field.

In conclusion, the choice between freelance writing and blogging depends on personal preferences, goals, and the desired income generation methods. Both options offer flexibility, income potential, control over content, freedom, and self-sufficiency. Some individuals may even choose to pursue both freelance writing and blogging simultaneously, but it’s important to have a clear plan and be strategic in making choices.

For more information on the pros and cons of freelance writing and blogging, you can refer to this Reddit post where users discuss the decision-making process between these two options.

As a pre-medical student seeking advice on whether to start freelancing or blogging, it’s important to consider your interests, time commitment, and long-term goals. Additionally, if you’re interested in starting an affiliate blog, it’s worth researching the costs associated with setting up and maintaining a blog while considering your current financial resources.

Ultimately, the sustainability and income potential of both options depend on your dedication, consistency, and ability to provide valuable content to your target audience. Whether you choose freelance writing or blogging, it’s possible to generate a four-figure or higher income per month in the long term, but it requires strategic planning, perseverance, and continuous improvement of your skills in writing and content creation.

Choosing between Freelance Writing and Blogging

Personal Preferences and Goals

When deciding between freelance writing and blogging, it is important to consider your personal preferences and goals. Freelance writing involves writing articles, press releases, reports, blogs, and more for clients. As a freelance writer, you have the opportunity to specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of services. On the other hand, blogging involves publishing content on various topics on your own website or someone else’s. Bloggers typically focus on one specific topic and can monetize their site through advertising, affiliate marketing, and other methods.

Both freelance writing and blogging offer flexibility, income potential, control over content, freedom, and self-sufficiency. However, the choice ultimately depends on what you enjoy doing and what aligns with your long-term goals. If you prefer writing for others and working on diverse projects, freelance writing may be the better option for you. On the other hand, if you have a specific topic you are passionate about and want to build your own brand, blogging might be the way to go.

Time Commitment

Another factor to consider is the time commitment required for each option. Both freelance writers and bloggers work as independent contractors and have to find their own work and equipment. However, the time spent on each task may vary. Bloggers need to consistently create and publish content to maintain their audience engagement, while freelance writers work on projects as they come in. If you have limited availability and can only contribute a few hours per day, freelancing may be more suitable as it allows for a more flexible schedule.

Long-term Sustainability

When thinking about the long-term sustainability of freelance writing and blogging, it is essential to consider the evolving nature of the digital landscape. Both options have the potential for long-term success, but they require ongoing effort and adaptation. As a blogger, you need to consistently produce high-quality content and stay up to date with trends to maintain and grow your audience. As a freelance writer, you need to continuously market your services and build relationships with clients.

Income Potential

The income potential of freelance writing and blogging can vary depending on various factors. Freelance writers typically get paid per project, and their income can fluctuate based on the number and type of projects they take on. Bloggers, on the other hand, have multiple avenues to generate income, including ads, sponsored posts, selling products and services, and affiliate sales. Both options have the potential to generate a four-figure or higher income per month in the long term, but it may take time to reach that level of success.

Cost of Starting a Blog

If you are considering starting a blog, it is important to factor in the cost of setting up and maintaining a website. While it is possible to start a blog with minimal investment, there may be expenses for domain registration, web hosting, design, and other optional features. In the case of an affiliate blog, you may also need to invest in content creation, SEO optimization, and marketing to drive traffic and generate income. However, with careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to start a blog with a relatively small investment.


The choice between freelance writing and blogging ultimately comes down to personal preferences, goals, time commitment, long-term sustainability, and income potential. It is also important to consider the cost of starting a blog and the ongoing expenses associated with it. Both options offer opportunities for earning income from home, but they require dedication, hard work, and continuous learning to achieve success. Whether you choose to be a freelance writer, a blogger, or both, having a clear plan and being strategic in your choices is essential for long-term growth and profitability.


Combining Freelance Writing and Blogging

In today’s digital age, there are numerous opportunities to earn extra income from the comfort of your own home. Two popular options for individuals looking to pursue a side hustle are freelance writing and blogging. Both freelance writing and blogging offer flexibility, income potential, and the ability to work independently. However, there are important considerations to keep in mind when deciding which path to pursue.

Benefits of Freelance Writing and Blogging

Flexibility and Freedom

One of the major advantages of freelance writing and blogging is the flexibility it offers. As a freelancer or a blogger, you have the freedom to choose your own projects, set your own schedule, and work from anywhere. This flexibility allows you to balance your side hustle with other commitments and responsibilities.

Income Potential

Both freelance writing and blogging have the potential to generate a significant income. Freelance writers are typically paid per project, allowing them to earn more as they gain experience and establish a reputation. Bloggers, on the other hand, can monetize their websites through various methods such as advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services. With dedication and strategic planning, both avenues have the potential to generate a four-figure or higher income per month in the long term.

Control over Content

Whether you choose to be a freelance writer or a blogger, you have complete control over the content you produce. As a freelance writer, you can specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of writing services. As a blogger, you have the freedom to write about topics that interest you and tailor your content to your target audience. This control over content allows you to showcase your expertise and interests while building your personal brand.


Freelance writing and blogging both offer the opportunity to work independently and be self-sufficient. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for finding your own clients or building your own audience. This self-sufficiency allows you to take ownership of your work and build your own success.

Considerations for Creating a Strategic Plan

Personal Preferences and Goals

When deciding between freelance writing and blogging, it is important to consider your personal preferences and goals. Freelance writing may be a better fit if you enjoy writing for others and prefer the variety of working on different projects. On the other hand, blogging may be the right choice if you have a specific topic you are passionate about and want to build a platform around that topic.

Finding Work and Equipment

Both freelance writers and bloggers need to find their own work and have the necessary equipment to perform their tasks. Freelance writers need to actively search for clients and projects, while bloggers need to focus on building their audience and driving traffic to their websites. Additionally, having the right equipment, such as a reliable computer and internet connection, is essential for both options.

Cost of Starting a Blog

If you are considering starting a blog, particularly an affiliate blog, it is important to factor in the cost. While it is possible to start a blog with a limited budget, there are expenses to consider such as domain registration, web hosting, design customization, and marketing. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the costs involved and plan accordingly.

Time Commitment and Long-Term Sustainability

Both freelance writing and blogging require a time commitment, especially if you want to generate a significant income. If you are only able to contribute 2-3 hours per day, it’s important to manage your time effectively and prioritize your tasks. Additionally, it’s important to consider the long-term sustainability of your chosen path. Assess the potential for growth and income generation in the future to ensure that your side hustle remains viable in the long term.

In conclusion, the choice between freelance writing and blogging ultimately depends on your personal preferences, goals, and circumstances. Some individuals may find success in pursuing both avenues simultaneously, while others may prefer to focus on one or the other. By creating a strategic plan, considering the benefits and considerations, and assessing your own skills and interests, you can determine the best path to pursue in combining freelance writing and blogging.

Research citation

Advice for Choosing Freelance Writing or Blogging as a Side Hustle

Are you considering freelancing as a side hustle but unsure whether to pursue freelance writing or blogging? Both options offer the opportunity to earn extra income from the comfort of your own home. In this section, we will explore the key factors to consider when making this decision and provide some advice to help you choose the right path.

Assessing Your Skills and Interests

When deciding between freelance writing and blogging, it’s essential to assess your skills and interests. Freelance writing involves writing articles, press releases, reports, blogs, and other content for clients. As a freelance writer, you can specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of services. On the other hand, blogging involves publishing content on various topics on your own website or someone else’s. Bloggers typically focus on one specific topic and can monetize their sites through advertising, affiliate marketing, and other means.

Consider your strengths and passions. Are you more comfortable writing for others on a per-project basis, or do you prefer having the freedom to create your own content and build your own brand? Assessing your skills and interests will help you determine which path aligns better with your goals.

Considering Financial Investment

Another factor to consider is the financial investment required for each option. Both freelance writing and blogging require some level of investment, although the costs can vary. As a freelance writer, you may need to invest in writing tools, such as grammar and plagiarism checkers, as well as a reliable computer and internet connection. Blogging, on the other hand, may require an initial investment in website hosting, domain registration, and website design.

Consider your budget and determine how much you are willing to invest in your side hustle. It’s important to have the necessary resources to support your chosen path.

Time Management and Commitment

Before diving into freelance writing or blogging, consider your time management skills and commitment level. Both options require dedication and the ability to manage your time effectively. Freelance writers often work on multiple projects simultaneously, juggling deadlines and client expectations. Bloggers, on the other hand, need to consistently publish content and engage with their audience.

Assess your availability and commitment level. Can you dedicate a consistent amount of time each day to your side hustle? Are you comfortable with the demands and responsibilities that come with freelance writing or blogging?

Long-term Income Goals

When choosing between freelance writing and blogging, it’s essential to consider your long-term income goals. While both options offer income potential, the monetization methods differ. Freelance writers get paid per project, whereas bloggers can generate income through various channels, such as ads, sponsored posts, product sales, and affiliate marketing.

Think about your income goals and how you envision earning money from your side hustle. Do you prefer the stability of per-project payments, or are you more interested in the potential for passive income through blogging?

Starting an Affiliate Blog with $300

If you are specifically interested in starting an affiliate blog, it’s important to understand the associated costs. While $300 may not be sufficient to cover all expenses, it can be a starting point. Building a successful affiliate blog requires investment in hosting, domain registration, website design, content creation, and marketing.

Consider your budget and explore affordable options for starting an affiliate blog. Research different hosting providers, website themes, and content creation tools to make the most of your investment.

In conclusion, choosing between freelance writing and blogging as a side hustle depends on your skills, interests, financial situation, time management abilities, and income goals. Both options offer flexibility, income potential, and the opportunity to work independently. It’s possible to pursue both paths simultaneously, but it’s important to have a clear plan and be strategic in your choices. Assess your individual circumstances and make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

For more information on the pros and cons of freelance writing and blogging, check out this source.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

Deciding between freelance writing and blogging can be a tough decision, but it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and goals. Both options offer opportunities to earn extra income from home, but they have distinct differences that may appeal to different individuals.

Evaluate Your Situation

Before making a decision, it’s important to evaluate your own situation. Consider your interests, skills, and the amount of time you can dedicate to your side hustle. Freelance writing involves writing for clients on a per-project basis, while blogging requires consistently producing content for your own or someone else’s website. Think about whether you prefer the variety of freelance writing or the focus of blogging on a specific topic.

Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is essential in making the right choice. Determine what you hope to achieve through your side hustle. Are you looking for flexibility, higher income potential, control over your content, freedom, or self-sufficiency? Freelance writing can offer flexibility and income potential, while blogging provides the opportunity to have control over your content and potentially earn passive income through advertising, affiliate marketing, and product sales.

Take Action

Once you have evaluated your situation and set clear goals, it’s time to take action. If you choose freelance writing, start by building your portfolio and seeking clients. Specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of writing services to attract a diverse client base. On the other hand, if you decide to start a blog, choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. Create valuable and engaging content consistently to attract readers and monetize your blog through various methods such as ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate sales.

Remember, it is possible to be both a blogger and a freelance writer if you have a clear plan and are strategic with your choices. Consider starting with one option and gradually exploring the other as you gain experience and confidence.

In conclusion, whether you choose to pursue freelance writing or blogging as a side hustle, both options have the potential to generate a four-figure or higher income per month in the long term. The decision ultimately depends on how you want to spend your time, what topics you want to write about, and your long-term goals.

For more information on the comparison between freelance writing and blogging, you can refer to this article which provides valuable insights and guidance.

Now that you have a better understanding of the two options, evaluate your own situation, set clear goals, and take action towards building a successful side hustle as a freelance writer, blogger, or both. Happy writing!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is freelance writing?

Freelance writing involves writing articles, press releases, reports, blogs, etc. for clients. Freelance writers can specialize in a particular subject or offer a range of services. They get paid per project and work as independent contractors.

2. What is blogging?

Blogging involves publishing content on various topics on a website. Bloggers write online, either for their own blog or for someone else’s, and typically focus on one specific topic. They make money through ads, sponsored posts, selling products and services, and affiliate sales.

3. What are the pros of freelance writing and blogging?

The pros of freelance writing and blogging include flexibility, income potential, control over content, freedom, and self-sufficiency. Both options offer the opportunity to work from home and earn extra income.

4. How do freelance writers and bloggers make money?

Freelance writers make money through different clients and projects, getting paid per project. Bloggers monetize their site through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling products and services.

5. How do I choose between freelance writing and blogging?

The choice between freelance writing and blogging depends on personal preferences and goals. Consider how you want to spend your time and what topics you want to write about. It is possible to be both a blogger and a freelance writer, but having a clear plan and being strategic with choices is important.

6. Can I be a blogger and a freelance writer at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to be both a blogger and a freelance writer. However, it is important to have a clear plan and manage time effectively to balance both roles.

7. Is freelance writing or blogging more sustainable for part-time work?

Both freelance writing and blogging can be sustainable for part-time work if you manage your time effectively. It depends on your dedication and commitment to consistently produce quality content.

8. Which option is better for the long term?

The long-term viability of freelance writing and blogging depends on various factors, including market demand, your skills, and your ability to adapt. Both options have the potential for long-term success if approached strategically.

9. Can freelance writing or blogging generate a four-figure or higher income per month?

Both freelance writing and blogging have the potential to generate a four-figure or higher income per month in the long term. However, it may not happen immediately and requires consistent effort, building a strong client base or audience, and implementing effective monetization strategies.

10. Is $300 sufficient to start affiliate blogging?

Starting an affiliate blog with $300 is possible, but it depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider factors such as domain registration, web hosting, website design, content creation, and marketing. It’s important to budget and plan accordingly to make the most of your investment.

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