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HomeHustleHow to stay motivated and productive as a side hustler

How to stay motivated and productive as a side hustler

How to stay motivated and productive as a side hustler

I know firsthand the challenges and rewards of juggling multiple side hustles while maintaining a full-time job. As someone who runs a cat-sitting business, a blog, and an Instagram account, sells second-hand fashion, and freelances in digital content and copywriting, I’ve learned a thing or two about staying motivated and productive in the midst of a hectic schedule.

In this article, I’ll share strategies that have helped me thrive as a side hustler. From brain dumping to efficient work setup, from scheduling breaks to optimizing time, I’ll provide practical tips to keep you on track and energized. It’s important to remember that side hustling should be a choice, not an obligation. I encourage you to find what works for you and not compare yourself to others. So, if you’re ready to boost your motivation and productivity, let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • The author works full-time and runs four side hustles, including a cat-sitting business, a blog and Instagram account, selling second-hand fashion, and freelance work in digital content and copywriting.
  • Strategies for staying motivated and productive as a side hustler include brain dumping, logical planning of to-do lists, setting up for efficient work, scheduling breaks, and optimizing time.
  • Side hustling should be a choice and not something people feel compelled to do.
  • Readers are encouraged to find what works for them and not compare themselves to others.
  • The article focuses on staying motivated and productive as a side hustler while having another full-time commitment.


In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves juggling multiple commitments and responsibilities. One common challenge faced by individuals with a full-time job and a side hustle is how to stay motivated and productive. Balancing these two commitments can be demanding and exhausting, but with the right strategies, it is possible to thrive in both areas.

Author’s Background

As the author of this article, I can relate to the struggles faced by side hustlers. I work full-time and currently manage four different side hustles. These include running a cat-sitting business, managing a blog and Instagram account, selling second-hand fashion, and taking on freelance work in digital content and copywriting. Through my own experiences, I have discovered effective techniques to stay motivated and productive despite having a busy schedule.

Purpose of the Article

The purpose of this article is to provide practical tips and strategies for individuals who are juggling a full-time job and a side hustle. It is important to note that side hustling should always be a choice and not something individuals feel compelled to do. The aim is to find a balance that allows for personal fulfillment and financial growth without sacrificing overall well-being.

I understand the challenges of finding energy for a side hustle while being exhausted from a full-time job and taking care of children. However, it is possible to find motivation and maintain productivity by implementing certain techniques and mindset shifts. In this article, I will share my insights and research on how to stay motivated and productive as a side hustler, while also acknowledging the importance of self-care and not comparing oneself to others.

Before diving into the strategies, it is important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. It is essential to find what resonates with you and experiment with different techniques. Now, let’s explore the strategies that can help you stay motivated and productive as a side hustler with a full-time commitment.

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Strategies for Staying Motivated and Productive

As a side hustler juggling multiple commitments, staying motivated and productive can be a challenge. However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to find the energy and focus needed to succeed. In this section, I will share some effective strategies that have helped me stay on track while managing my full-time job and various side hustles.

Brain Dumping

One technique that has been immensely helpful for me is brain dumping. When you have multiple tasks and ideas swirling around in your head, it can be overwhelming and difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time. To overcome this, I recommend taking a few minutes each day to write down all your thoughts, tasks, and ideas on paper or in a digital note-taking app. This process of externalizing your thoughts allows you to free up mental space and focus on the task at hand.

Limiting Email Distractions

Email can be a major source of distraction and can easily derail your productivity if not managed effectively. One strategy I have found useful is to limit my email checking to specific times of the day. Rather than constantly checking and responding to emails throughout the day, I set aside dedicated blocks of time to focus solely on email-related tasks. This helps me maintain focus on my other side hustles without getting constantly interrupted by incoming messages.

Logically Planning To-Do Lists

To-do lists are a staple in productivity, but it’s important to approach them strategically. Instead of creating a long, overwhelming list of tasks, I recommend logically planning your to-do lists. Start by identifying your most important tasks and prioritize them accordingly. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks to make them less daunting. By structuring your to-do list in a logical and organized manner, you can tackle tasks more efficiently and stay motivated throughout the process.

Setting Up for Efficiency

Creating an efficient work environment is essential for maximizing productivity. Evaluate your workspace and eliminate any distractions that may hinder your focus. Keep essential tools and resources within arm’s reach to minimize time wasted searching for them. Additionally, ensure your workspace is comfortable and conducive to productivity. Experiment with different lighting, temperature, and ergonomic setups to find what works best for you.

Treating Phone Calls and Emails as Separate Tasks

Phone calls and emails can be major time sinks if not managed properly. To avoid getting caught up in lengthy conversations or spending excessive time on email correspondence, treat phone calls and emails as separate tasks. Allocate specific time slots for making phone calls and responding to emails, and stick to these time blocks. This way, you can give each task your undivided attention and prevent them from encroaching on your other side hustle activities.

Scheduling Breaks

While it may seem counterintuitive, scheduling regular breaks is crucial for maintaining motivation and productivity. Working nonstop for extended periods can lead to burnout and diminishing returns. Instead, incorporate short breaks into your schedule to recharge and refresh your mind. Use these breaks to stretch, take a walk, or engage in activities that help you relax and clear your mind. By allowing regular breaks, you can maintain a higher focus and productivity throughout the day.

Utilizing Google Calendar

Organizing your schedule is essential for effectively managing your side hustles alongside your full-time job. One tool that has been instrumental in my productivity journey is Google Calendar. By utilizing this digital calendar, you can easily schedule and track your tasks, appointments, and deadlines. Set reminders and notifications to ensure you stay on top of your commitments. With Google Calendar, you can have a clear overview of your schedule and make the most efficient use of your time.

Backing Up and Syncing Everything

As a side hustler, it’s important to have a reliable system for backing up and syncing your important files and documents. Invest in cloud storage solutions or external hard drives to ensure your work is securely backed up. This not only provides peace of mind but also allows you to access your files from anywhere, making it easier to work on your side hustles even when you’re away from your primary workspace.

Optimizing Time

Lastly, optimizing your time is key to maintaining motivation and productivity as a side hustler. Identify time-wasting activities and eliminate or minimize them as much as possible. This could involve reducing time spent on social media, cutting out unnecessary meetings or commitments, or delegating tasks that can be outsourced. By consciously evaluating how you spend your time, you can make room for the activities that truly matter and contribute to your side hustle’s success.

In conclusion, staying motivated and productive as a side hustler requires intentional strategies and a commitment to finding what works best for you. By implementing techniques such as brain dumping, limiting email distractions, logically planning to-do lists, setting up for efficiency, treating phone calls and emails as separate tasks, scheduling breaks, utilizing Google Calendar, backing up and syncing everything, and optimizing your time, you can overcome the challenges of juggling multiple commitments and achieve success in your side hustles.


Choosing Side Hustling as a Personal Decision

Importance of Voluntary Participation

When it comes to side hustling, it is important to remember that it should be a personal decision and not something that you feel compelled to do. Side hustling can be a great way to pursue your passions, explore new opportunities, and earn extra income. However, it is crucial to approach it with the right mindset and motivation.

One of the key factors in staying motivated and productive as a side hustler is a voluntary participation. It means that you choose to engage in a side hustle because you genuinely want to and not because you feel pressured or obligated. By willingly taking on a side hustle, you are more likely to stay committed and find fulfillment in the work you do.

Comparison is the thief of joy, and this holds true for side hustles as well. It’s easy to look at others who seem to be juggling multiple ventures effortlessly and feel inadequate or overwhelmed. However, it is essential to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. What works for someone else may not work for you, and that’s perfectly okay. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on finding what works for you and your individual circumstances.

To stay motivated and productive, it’s crucial to implement strategies and techniques that resonate with you personally. As an individual with multiple side hustles myself, including a cat-sitting business, a blog and Instagram account, selling second-hand fashion, and freelance work in digital content and copywriting, I have discovered several strategies that have helped me maintain my motivation and productivity.

Firstly, I highly recommend brain dumping. This technique involves jotting down all your thoughts, ideas, and tasks on paper or in a digital document. By decluttering your mind and transferring everything onto paper, you can gain clarity and focus on what needs to be done. This simple practice can help you prioritize your tasks and prevent overwhelm.

Another effective strategy is to avoid checking and reading emails unless you plan to respond immediately. Email can be a major productivity killer, with its constant distractions and the temptation to respond immediately. By setting aside specific times to check and respond to emails, you can minimize interruptions and maintain your focus on your side hustle.

Logical planning of your to-do lists is also essential. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and organize them logically. By doing so, you can tackle each task more efficiently and feel a sense of accomplishment as you check off items from your list.

Setting up your workspace for efficient work is another key aspect. Create a designated area where you can focus solely on your side hustle. Make sure it is free from distractions and has all the resources you need to work effectively. Having a dedicated workspace can help you get into the right mindset and boost your productivity.

Additionally, it is important to consider phone calls and emails as separate tasks. By scheduling specific times for phone calls and emails, you can allocate focused time for each activity, rather than getting caught up in constant interruptions throughout the day. This approach allows you to manage your time more effectively and maintain your momentum.

Scheduling regular breaks is crucial for maintaining your motivation and preventing burnout. Working on a side hustle alongside a full-time job can be demanding, and it’s important to take time for yourself. Schedule short breaks throughout your work sessions to recharge and rejuvenate. Use these breaks to stretch, grab a healthy snack, or simply relax and clear your mind.

To stay organized and on top of your commitments, I highly recommend utilizing tools such as Google Calendar. This digital calendar can help you schedule and manage your time effectively. Set reminders for important tasks, deadlines, and appointments to ensure that you stay on track and meet your goals.

In the fast-paced world of side hustling, it is crucial to back up and sync everything. Whether it’s your documents, files, or important information, make sure you have a reliable backup system in place. This way, you can avoid the stress and frustration of losing valuable data and maintain peace of mind.

Time optimization is another key aspect of staying motivated and productive. Evaluate how you spend your time and identify any areas where you can make adjustments. For example, consider if there are any unnecessary activities or time-wasters that you can eliminate from your routine. By optimizing your time, you can make the most of every moment and maximize your productivity.

In conclusion, choosing side hustling as a personal decision is essential for maintaining motivation and productivity. By voluntarily participating in a side hustle, you can approach it with the right mindset and find fulfillment in your work. Remember not to compare yourself to others and instead focus on finding what works best for you. Implementing strategies such as brain dumping, logical planning of to-do lists, setting up for efficient work, considering phone calls and emails as separate tasks, scheduling breaks, using tools like Google Calendar, and backing up and syncing everything can help you stay motivated and productive in your side hustle journey.

For more tips and insights on running a side hustle alongside a full-time job, you can refer to this research citation.

Avoiding Comparison and Finding Personal Solutions

Emphasizing Individuality and Self-Exploration

As a side hustler, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We see someone else’s success and wonder why we aren’t achieving the same level of productivity or motivation. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on emphasizing our individuality and embracing self-exploration.

Embracing Your Unique Strengths

Each person has their own set of skills, interests, and strengths. Instead of trying to fit into a mold or follow someone else’s path, we should embrace our unique talents and leverage them in our side hustles. Take some time to reflect on what you excel at and what sets you apart. Are you a fantastic writer? Do you have a knack for graphic design? Are you a master at customer service? By identifying and embracing your unique strengths, you can find motivation and inspiration to excel in your side hustle.

Trying New Things

Self-exploration is a key component of finding personal solutions for staying motivated and productive as a side hustler. We often discover new passions and interests when we step outside of our comfort zones and try new things. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies, techniques, or even new side hustles. You never know what might ignite a spark of motivation within you. By exploring new avenues, you can find what truly resonates with you and fuels your drive to succeed.

Setting Realistic Goals

In order to stay motivated and productive, it’s essential to set realistic goals for yourself. While it’s great to dream big, it’s important to break those dreams down into actionable steps. Start by identifying your long-term aspirations for your side hustle, and then work backward to create smaller, attainable goals that you can work towards on a daily or weekly basis. By setting realistic goals, you can track your progress and experience a sense of accomplishment along the way, which can boost your motivation and productivity.

Celebrating Your Achievements

As a side hustler, it’s easy to get caught up in the grind and forget to celebrate your achievements. Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Did you land a new client? Did you complete a challenging project? Did you reach a milestone in your side hustle? Celebrate these moments of success, as they serve as reminders of your progress and dedication. By celebrating your achievements, you can stay motivated and inspired to continue pushing forward.

In conclusion, avoiding comparison and finding personal solutions are key to staying motivated and productive as a side hustler. Emphasizing your individuality and engaging in self-exploration can help you discover what truly motivates you. Setting realistic goals and celebrating your achievements along the way will keep you on track and fuel your drive to succeed. Remember, your side hustle is unique to you, and by embracing your individuality, you can find the motivation and productivity you need to thrive. So, stop comparing yourself to others and start focusing on your own journey.

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Balancing Side Hustling with Other Commitments

Author’s Fatigue and Responsibilities

As someone who works a full-time job and manages multiple side hustles, I understand the challenges of juggling various commitments. It can be exhausting to come home from a long day at work and still have to find the energy to work on my side hustles. On top of that, I have responsibilities outside of work, such as taking care of my children and managing household chores. It can often feel overwhelming and leave me feeling burnt out.

Seeking Energy for Side Hustle

One of the biggest hurdles I face as a side hustler is finding the energy to work on my projects. After a tiring day at work, it can be tempting to simply unwind and relax. However, I’ve learned that finding the right motivation and energy for my side hustles is crucial to their success.

To combat fatigue and stay motivated, I’ve discovered a few strategies that work for me. First, I make sure to prioritize self-care and get enough rest. This means getting a good night’s sleep, eating well, and taking breaks when needed. Additionally, I find that engaging in activities that recharge me, such as exercising or spending time outdoors, helps boost my energy levels.

Acknowledging Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential when balancing a full-time job with side hustling. It’s important to recognize that side hustling should be a choice rather than something we feel compelled to do. While the extra income and personal fulfillment from side hustles can be enticing, it’s crucial to ensure that they don’t take over our lives and lead to burnout.

One way I strive to achieve work-life balance is by setting boundaries and establishing clear schedules. I designate specific times for my side hustles and stick to those commitments. By creating a routine and sticking to it, I can better manage my time and avoid overwhelming myself.

In conclusion, balancing side hustling with other commitments can be challenging, but it is possible with the right strategies in place. It’s important to acknowledge and address any feelings of fatigue and overwhelm, while also prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By finding what works best for us individually and not comparing ourselves to others, we can stay motivated and productive as side hustlers while still meeting our other obligations.

For more information on staying productive and motivated as a side hustler, check out this helpful article I found.


Summarizing Key Points

In this article, we have discussed various strategies for staying motivated and productive as a side hustler, even when juggling a full-time job and other commitments. I have shared my personal experience as someone who manages multiple side hustles alongside a demanding career. By implementing techniques such as brain dumping, logical planning, and efficient work setups, you can optimize your time and energy to achieve success in your side ventures.

Encouraging Reader Engagement

It is important to remember that side hustling should be a choice, not something you feel compelled to do. Each individual’s circumstances and goals are unique, so it’s crucial not to compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on finding what works best for you and adapt the strategies mentioned in this article to fit your own situation.

If you have any further questions or would like to share your own experiences and tips for staying motivated and productive as a side hustler, please feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me. Together, let’s support and inspire each other in our entrepreneurial endeavors.

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In this section, I will provide some external resources that can be helpful for staying motivated and productive as a side hustler. These resources offer valuable tips and strategies that you can implement in your own side hustle journey.

Citing External Resources

One great resource I came across is an article titled “9 Productivity Tips for Running a Side Hustle Alongside a Full-Time Job” by The Broke Generation1. This article provides practical advice for individuals who are juggling multiple commitments and trying to stay motivated and productive.

The author of the article shares their personal experience of working full-time and managing four different side hustles. They offer strategies such as brain dumping, logical planning of to-do lists, setting up for efficient work, scheduling breaks, and utilizing tools like Google Calendar. The article emphasizes the importance of finding what works for you and not comparing yourself to others.

It’s important to remember that side hustling should be a choice and not something you feel compelled to do. Taking care of your well-being and finding a good work-life balance is crucial. The author also acknowledges that finding energy for a side hustle can be challenging, especially when you have other commitments like a job and taking care of children.

By citing this article, I hope to provide you with valuable insights and practical tips that can help you stay motivated and productive as a side hustler. Remember, it’s all about finding what works for you and creating a balance that allows you to pursue your passions while maintaining your other commitments.

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